2024 VisGroup Hiring!

The Bergen VisGroup will soon announce three exciting positions:
We are looking to hire an additional faculty member to strengthen our team! We are currently considering faculty members at various career stages, from (tenure-track) Associate Professor to Full Professor. Please get in touch with Helwig Hauser, Laura Garrison, or Noeska Smit to learn more!

We have two open PhD positions in the context of international collaborations. As a PhD student at the University of Bergen, you will be in 100% employment, either 3 years (100% on PhD project) or 4 years (75% PhD + 25% teaching duties).
The first position is on the topic of Visual Data Science to Master Complex Simulation Ensembles in an interdisciplinary collaboration with meteorology (weather simulation) in cooperation with the Univ. of Stuttgart. Get in touch with Helwig Hauser if you are interested in this position to learn more!
The second position is on Medical Visualization in the European VASCUL-AID project. The aim of the VASCUL-AID project is to predict the risk of cardiovascular events and progression of the vascular diseases to influence the course of disease improving the patient’s quality of life and care and assisting clinicians to make better-informed decisions involving the patient. The project will identify patients who are at high risk through a trustworthy AI-driven platform (VASCUL-AID) that integrates multi-source parameters including imaging, proteomic and genomic data as well as life-style patient data from wearables to enable personalised vascular disease management. The VASCUL-AID platform consists of AI risk-prediction tools, a patient communication app and a clinical dashboard to support clinical decision-making. Get in touch with Noeska Smit if you are interested in this position to learn more!