PhD student
@INPROCEEDINGS {balabanian10a,
author = "Jean-Paul Balabanian and Meister Eduard Gr{\"o}ller",
title = "A",
booktitle = "Scientific Visualization (Proc. Dagstuhl Seminar)",
year = "2010",
series = "Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings",
pages = "xx--xx",
abstract = "This paper describes the concept of A-space. A-space is thespace where visualization algorithms reside. Every visualization algorithmis a unique point in A-space. Integrated visualizations can be interpretedas an interpolation between known algorithms. The void between algorithmscan be considered as a visualization opportunity where a new point in A-spacecan be reconstructed and new integrated visualizations can be created.",
images = "images/balabanian10a.jpg, images/balabanian10a2.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/balabanian10a_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian10a2_thumb.jpg",
issn = "1862-4405",
location = "Dagstuhl, Germany",
url = "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2010/Balabanian-2010-PSDSV/"
@INPROCEEDINGS {balabanian10hierarchical,
author = "Jean-Paul Balabanian and Ivan Viola and Meister Eduard Gr{\"o}ller",
title = "Interactive Illustrative Visualization of Hierarchical Volume Data",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Graphics Interface (best student paper award)",
year = "2010",
pages = "xx--xx",
abstract = "In scientific visualization the underlying data often has an inherent abstract and hierarchical structure. Therefore, the same datasetcan simultaneously be studied with respect to its characteristics inthe three-dimensional space and in the hierarchy space. Often bothcharacteristics are equally important to convey. For such scenarioswe explore the combination of hierarchy visualization and scientificvisualization, where both data spaces are effectively integrated. We have been inspired by illustrations of species evolutions where hierarchical information is often present. Motivated by these traditionalillustrations, we introduce integrated visualizations for hierarchicallyorganized volumetric datasets. The hierarchy data is displayed as a graph, whose nodes are visually augmented to depict the corresponding 3D information. These augmentations include images due to volume raycasting, slicing of 3D structures, and indicators of structure visibility from occlusion testing. New interaction metaphors are presented that extend visualizations and interactions, typical for one visualization space, to control visualization parameters of the other space. Interaction on a node in the hierarchy influences visual representations of 3D structures and vice versa. Weintegrate both the abstract and the scientific visualizations into oneview which avoids frequent refocusing typical for interaction withlinked-view layouts. We demonstrate our approach on different volumetricdatasets enhanced with hierarchical information.",
vid = "vids/balabanian10hierarchical.mp4",
images = "images/balabanian09thesis1.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical2.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical1.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical3.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/balabanian09thesis1_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical2_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical1_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical3_thumb.jpg",
location = "Ottawa, Canada",
url = "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2010/Balabanian-2010-IIV/",
project = "medviz,illvis"
@INPROCEEDINGS {patel09momentCurves,
author = "Daniel Patel and Martin Haidacher and Jean-Paul Balabanian and Meister Eduard Gr{\"o}ller",
title = "Moment Curves",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2009",
year = "2009",
pages = "201--208",
month = "April",
abstract = "We define a transfer function based on the first and second statistical moments. We consider the evolution of the mean and variance with respect to a growing neighborhood around a voxel. This evolution defines a curve in 3D for which we identify important trends and project it back to 2D. The resulting 2D projection can be brushed for easy and robust classification of materials and material borders. The transfer function is applied to both CT and MR data.",
images = "images/patel09momentCurves1.jpg, images/patel09momentCurves2.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/patel09momentCurves1_thumb.jpg, images/patel09momentCurves2_thumb.jpg",
location = "Beijing, China",
url = "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2009/patel_2009_MC/"
@PHDTHESIS {balabanian09thesis,
author = "Jean-Paul Balabanian",
title = "Multi-Aspect Visualization: Going from Linked Views to Integrated Views",
school = "Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway",
year = "2009",
month = "oct",
abstract = "This thesis is a delve into the matter of visualization integration. There are many approaches to visualizing volume data and often several of these approaches can appropriately be used at the same time to visualize dirent aspects. The usual way is to visualize these aspects separately in dirent views, but integrating the visualizations into the same view can often be the superior approach. We describe the two most used approaches to visualizing several aspects at the same time; linked views and integrated views. We describe some approaches to create integrated visualizations by showing where in the visualization pipeline the integration takes place. We present work produced by the author describing the integrated visualizations developed.",
pdf = "pdfs/balabanian09mav.pdf",
images = "images/balabanian09thesis.jpg, images/balabanian09thesis1.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical2.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical3.jpg,",
thumbnails = "images/balabanian09thesis_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian09thesis1_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical2_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian10hierarchical3_thumb.jpg,",
project = "illvis"
@INPROCEEDINGS {Balabanian20083DPVT,
author = "Jean-Paul Balabanian and Ivan Viola and Torsten M{\"o}ller and Meister Eduard Gr{\"o}ller",
title = "Temporal Styles for Time-Varying Volume Data",
booktitle = "Proceedings of 3DPVT'08 - the Fourth International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission",
year = "2008",
editor = "Stephan Gumhold and Jana Kosecka and Oliver Staadt",
pages = "81--89",
month = "June",
abstract = "This paper introduces interaction mechanisms for conveying temporal characteristics of time-varying volume data based on temporal styles. We demonstrate the flexibility of the new concept through different temporal style transfer function types and we define a set of temporal compositors as operators on them. The data is rendered by a multi-volume GPU raycaster that does not require any grid alignment over the individual time-steps of our data nor a rectilinear grid structure. The paper presents the applicability of the new concept on different data sets from partial to full voxel alignment with rectilinear and curvilinear grid layout.",
pdf = "pdfs/Balabanian2008_3DPVT.pdf",
images = "images/balabanian2008_3dpvt_isabel.jpg, images/balabanian2008_3dpvt_overview.jpg, images/balabanian2008_3dpvt_poster.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/balabanian2008_3dpvt_isabel_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian2008_3dpvt_overview_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian2008_3dpvt_poster_thumb.jpg",
location = "Atlanta, USA",
event = "3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission 2008",
url = "http://www.cc.gatech.edu/research/reports/GT-IC-08-05",
project = "illvis"
@INPROCEEDINGS {balabanian08hierarchical,
author = "Jean-Paul Balabanian and Martin Ystad and Ivan Viola and Arvid Lundervold and Helwig Hauser and Meister Eduard Gr{\"o}ller",
title = "Hierarchical Volume Visualization of Brain Anatomy",
booktitle = "Proceeding of Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV 2008)",
year = "2008",
pages = "313--322",
month = "oct",
abstract = "Scientific data-sets often come with an inherent hierarchical structure such as functional substructures within organs. In this work we propose a new visualization approach for volume data which is augmented by the explicit representation of hierarchically structured data. The volumetric structures are organized in an interactive hierarchy view. Seamless zooming between data visualization, with volume rendering, and map viewing, for orientation and navigation within the hierarchy, facilitates deeper insight on multiple levels. The map shows all structures, organized in multiple hierarchy levels. Focusing on a selected node allows a visual analysis of a substructure as well as identifying its location in the hierarchy. The visual style of the node in focus, its parent and child nodes are automatically adapted during interaction to emphasize the embedding in the hierarchy. The hierarchy view is linked to a traditional tree view. The value of this new visualization approach is demonstrated on segmented MRI brain data consisting of hundreds of cortical and sub-cortical structures.",
vid = "vids/balabanian08hierarchical.mp4",
images = "images/balabanian08hierarchical1.jpg, images/balabanian08hierarchical2.jpg, images/balabanian08hierarchical3.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/balabanian08hierarchical1_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian08hierarchical2_thumb.jpg, images/balabanian08hierarchical3_thumb.jpg, images/wmv_thumb.png",
isbn = "978-3-89838-609-8",
location = "Konstanz, Germany",
url = "http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2008/balabanian-2008-hvv/",
project = "illvis,medviz"
@INPROCEEDINGS {Balabanian2007,
author = "Jean-Paul Balabanian and Ivan Viola and Egil Ona and Ruben Patel and Meister Eduard Gr{\"o}ller",
title = "Sonar Explorer: A New Tool for Visualization of Fish Schools from {3D} Sonar Data",
booktitle = "Data Visualization - EuroVis 2007",
year = "2007",
editor = "K. Museth and T. M{\"o}ller and A. Ynnerman",
pages = "155--162",
month = "may",
publisher = "Eurographics Association",
abstract = "We present a novel framework for analysis and visualization of fish schools in 3D sonar surveys. The 3D sonar technology is new and there have not been applications to visualize the data in 3D. We have created an application called Sonar Explorer that satisfies the requirements of domain scientists. Sonar Explorer provides easy and intuitive semi-automatic fish school tracking and survey map generation. The overall pipeline is described and all pipeline stages relevant for visualization are highlighted. We present techniques to deal with 3D sonar data specifics: highly anisotropic volume data aligned on a curvilinear grid. Domain scientists provide initial impressions on interaction and outlook.",
pdf = "pdfs/Balabanian2007.pdf",
images = "images/balabanian_2007_eurovis.png",
thumbnails = "images/balabanian_2007_eurovis_thumb.png",
isbn = "978-3-905673-45-6",
location = "Norrk{\"o}ping, Sweden",
event = "EuroVis 2007"