Best Paper Honorable Mention for MuSIC at VCBM2022

The VisGroup and MMIV won the Best Paper Honorable Mention award for MuSIC at VCBM held this year in beautiful Vienna, Austria. This shows the power of collaborative work between radiologists and computer scientists which is made possible at the wonderful Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Center (MMIV). Furthermore, MuSIC shows that a Masters thesis is a wonderful starting point for a scientific publication and international collaborations can be very fruitful.
[1] T. Eichner*, E. Mörth*, K. S. Wagner-Larsen, N. Lura, I. S. Haldorsen, E. Gröller, S. Bruckner, and N. N. Smit “MuSIC: Multi-Sequential Interactive Co-Registration for Cancer Imaging Data based on Segmentation Masks,” (full paper)