PhD Defense
This Friday at 10:00 am Eric will defend his thesis entitled “Scaling Up Medical Visualization Multi-Modal, Multi-Patient, and Multi-Audience Approaches for Medical Data Exploration, Analysis and Communication”.
The thesis is available here:
While it would be wonderful if you could join us in person for this special occasion at the Stort Auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret 2nd floor 209M3, we also allow for remote attendance via Zoom for those who wish to join but cannot make it in person:
Meeting ID: 640 6077 5624
Password: uy6tYHcv
Date and time: 2nd of September at 10:00
Location: Stort Auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret 2nd floor.
Opponent: Professor Ingrid Hotz, Linköping University, Sweden
Opponent: Associate Professor Thomas Holt, Netherlands
Committee leader: Associate Professor David Grellscheid
Leader of the defence: Professor Eivind Valen
PhD advisors: Noeska Smit and Stefan Bruckner