Visual Computing Forum
Barbora is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno, where she is heading VisitLab: the visualization group specializing on diverse topics in visualization and its connections to virtual reality. Her research interests are in scientific visualization and visual analysis, with the focus on biochemistry, biology, criminological data, and geography. She is also interested in computational geometry and computer graphics, which is her original background.
Molecular visualization has been a research topic for many decades already, resulting in many exciting publications, techniques, and even robust software tools. The progress in biomolecular research enables to explore larger and larger structures in atomistic detail and observe long trajectories of their behavior in time which poses many research challenges for the visualization community. In my talk, based on recent exemplary cases, I will present the tight connection between biochemistry and visualization, with the aim to give an overview of the current status of biomolecular visualization. Then, I outline the current limitations of existing approaches and present sources of new domain knowledge and data, which still lack proper visual representation.
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