Efficient Volume Visualization of Large Medical Datasets
The size of volumetric datasets used in medical environments is increasing at a rapid pace. Due to excessive pre-computation and memory demanding data structures, most current approaches for volume visualization do not meet the requirements of daily clinical routine. In this diploma thesis, an approach for interactive high-quality rendering of large medical data is presented. It is based on image-order raycasting with object-order data traversal, using an optimized cache coherent memory layout. New techniques and parallelization strategies for direct volume rendering of large data on commodity hardware are presented. By using new memory efficient acceleration data structures, high-quality direct volume rendering of several hundred megabyte sized datasets at sub-second frame rates on a commodity notebook is achieved.
S. Bruckner, "Efficient Volume Visualization of Large Medical Datasets," , 2004.
The size of volumetric datasets used in medical environments is increasing at a rapid pace. Due to excessive pre-computation and memory demanding data structures, most current approaches for volume visualization do not meet the requirements of daily clinical routine. In this diploma thesis, an approach for interactive high-quality rendering of large medical data is presented. It is based on image-order raycasting with object-order data traversal, using an optimized cache coherent memory layout. New techniques and parallelization strategies for direct volume rendering of large data on commodity hardware are presented. By using new memory efficient acceleration data structures, high-quality direct volume rendering of several hundred megabyte sized datasets at sub-second frame rates on a commodity notebook is achieved.
@MASTERTHESIS {Bruckner-2004-EVV-Thesis,
author = "Stefan Bruckner",
title = "Efficient Volume Visualization of Large Medical Datasets",
school = "Vienna University of Technology, Austria",
year = "2004",
month = "may",
abstract = "The size of volumetric datasets used in medical environments is increasing at a rapid pace. Due to excessive pre-computation and memory demanding data structures, most current approaches for volume visualization do not meet the requirements of daily clinical routine. In this diploma thesis, an approach for interactive high-quality rendering of large medical data is presented. It is based on image-order raycasting with object-order data traversal, using an optimized cache coherent memory layout. New techniques and parallelization strategies for direct volume rendering of large data on commodity hardware are presented. By using new memory efficient acceleration data structures, high-quality direct volume rendering of several hundred megabyte sized datasets at sub-second frame rates on a commodity notebook is achieved.",
pdf = "pdfs/Bruckner-2004-EVV-Thesis.pdf",
images = "images/Bruckner-2004-EVV-Thesis.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/Bruckner-2004-EVV-Thesis.png",
affiliation = "tuwien",
keywords = "volume rendering, large data",
url = "//www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2004/bruckner-2004-EVV/"
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