Big Data - a threat or an opportunity for our modern society?
Invited talk at the Alumni Event of the University of Bergen, Norway
H. Hauser, Big Data - a threat or an opportunity for our modern society?, 2014.
Invited talk at the Alumni Event of the University of Bergen, Norway
@MISC {Hauser2014BigData,
author = "Helwig Hauser",
title = "Big Data - a threat or an opportunity for our modern society?",
howpublished = "Invited talk at the Alumni Event of the University of Bergen, Norway",
month = "May",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Invited talk at the Alumni Event of the University of Bergen, Norway",
pdf = "pdfs/2014-05-10-UiB-Alumni-BigDataTalkHH-print2up.pdf",
images = "images/2014-05-10-UiB-Alumni-BigDataTalkHH-print2up_Image_0003.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/2014-05-10-UiB-Alumni-BigDataTalkHH-print2up_Image_0003.jpg",
location = "Bergen, Norway"
Full paper![[PDF]](