About Visual Computing
Invited talk at the NCE Subsea Theme Meeting on Visual Computing in Bergen, Norway
H. Hauser, About Visual Computing, 2014.
Invited talk at the NCE Subsea Theme Meeting on Visual Computing in Bergen, Norway
@MISC {Hauser2014NCE,
author = "Helwig Hauser",
title = "About Visual Computing",
howpublished = "Invited talk at the NCE Subsea Theme Meeting on Visual Computing in Bergen, Norway",
month = "April",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Invited talk at the NCE Subsea Theme Meeting on Visual Computing in Bergen, Norway",
pdf = "pdfs/2014-04-08-VisCompTalk-HH-print2up.pdf",
images = "images/2014-04-08-VisCompTalk-HH-print2up_Image_0004.jpg, images/2014-04-08-VisCompTalk-HH-print2up_Image_0006.jpg, images/2014-04-08-VisCompTalk-HH-print2up_Image_0010.jpg, images/2014-04-08-VisCompTalk-HH-print2up_Image_0002.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/2014-04-08-VisCompTalk-HH-print2up_Image_0010.jpg",
location = "Bergen, Norway"
Full paper![[PDF]](https://vis.uib.no/wp-content/plugins/papercite/img/pdf.png)