Medical Visualization Research at the VisGroup @
Established about eight years ago, the Visualization Research Group is the youngest of six research groups at the Department of Informatics, UiB, focusing on application-oriented basic research in visualization. Medicine and related disciplines (such as biomedicine, biology, etc.) stand for a growing number of grand visualization challenges and the vivid interdisciplinary MedViz network in Bergen gives ample opportunities for internationally recognized visualization research. In this talk, an overview of the visualization research group [1] is given, together with a short review of selected research projects in medical visualization.
H. Hauser, Medical Visualization Research at the VisGroup @, 2015.
Established about eight years ago, the Visualization Research Group is the youngest of six research groups at the Department of Informatics, UiB, focusing on application-oriented basic research in visualization. Medicine and related disciplines (such as biomedicine, biology, etc.) stand for a growing number of grand visualization challenges and the vivid interdisciplinary MedViz network in Bergen gives ample opportunities for internationally recognized visualization research. In this talk, an overview of the visualization research group [1] is given, together with a short review of selected research projects in medical visualization.
@MISC {Hauser2015IRIS,
author = "Helwig Hauser",
title = "Medical Visualization Research at the VisGroup @",
howpublished = "Invited talk at IRIS",
month = "November",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Established about eight years ago, the Visualization Research Group is the youngest of six research groups at the Department of Informatics, UiB, focusing on application-oriented basic research in visualization. Medicine and related disciplines (such as biomedicine, biology, etc.) stand for a growing number of grand visualization challenges and the vivid interdisciplinary MedViz network in Bergen gives ample opportunities for internationally recognized visualization research. In this talk, an overview of the visualization research group [1] is given, together with a short review of selected research projects in medical visualization.",
pdf = "pdfs/2015-11-25-HH-IRIS.pdf",
images = "images/ThumbNailIRIS.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/ThumbNailIRIS.jpg",
day = "25",
location = "Bergen, Norway"
Full paper![[PDF]](