From Anatomy to Physiology in Medical Visualization
Generally, medical visualization assists the diagnosis of diseases as well as the treatment of patients. Capturing the patients anatomy, which to a large degree is in the focus of traditional MedViz, certainly is one important key to the success of medical visualization. At least equally important, if not even more, is the consideration of physiology, entailing the complex of function (or malfunction) of the patient. Modern imaging modalities extend beyond the simple depiction of static anatomical snapshots to capturing temporal processes as well as to covering multiple scales of physiology eventually linking molecular biology to medicine. The visualization of human physiology complements other techniques, for example lab tests for quantifying certain physiological functions. We deem ourselves at the beginning of an interesting extension of MedViz research to increasingly capture physiology in addition to anatomy.
H. Hauser, From Anatomy to Physiology in Medical Visualization, 2015.
Generally, medical visualization assists the diagnosis of diseases as well as the treatment of patients. Capturing the patients anatomy, which to a large degree is in the focus of traditional MedViz, certainly is one important key to the success of medical visualization. At least equally important, if not even more, is the consideration of physiology, entailing the complex of function (or malfunction) of the patient. Modern imaging modalities extend beyond the simple depiction of static anatomical snapshots to capturing temporal processes as well as to covering multiple scales of physiology eventually linking molecular biology to medicine. The visualization of human physiology complements other techniques, for example lab tests for quantifying certain physiological functions. We deem ourselves at the beginning of an interesting extension of MedViz research to increasingly capture physiology in addition to anatomy.
@MISC {Hauser2015VIS,
author = "Helwig Hauser",
title = "From Anatomy to Physiology in Medical Visualization",
howpublished = "Tutorial talk at IEEE VIS 2015",
month = "October",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Generally, medical visualization assists the diagnosis of diseases as well as the treatment of patients. Capturing the patients anatomy, which to a large degree is in the focus of traditional MedViz, certainly is one important key to the success of medical visualization. At least equally important, if not even more, is the consideration of physiology, entailing the complex of function (or malfunction) of the patient. Modern imaging modalities extend beyond the simple depiction of static anatomical snapshots to capturing temporal processes as well as to covering multiple scales of physiology eventually linking molecular biology to medicine. The visualization of human physiology complements other techniques, for example lab tests for quantifying certain physiological functions. We deem ourselves at the beginning of an interesting extension of MedViz research to increasingly capture physiology in addition to anatomy.",
pdf = "pdfs/2015-10-25-VIS2015-TutTalkHH-print2up.pdf",
images = "images/ThumbnailVisTut.png",
thumbnails = "images/ThumbnailVisTut.png",
day = "25",
location = "Chicago, Illinois, USA"
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