Spatio-Temporal Development of Mouse Brains

INF219 project completed by Ulrike Sprengel, from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany.
The goal of this project is to visualize the brain of a mouse in different developing stages by
using various tools as for example a stream graph. A stream graph is useful to show continuous
the changes of the gene expression rates, but not useful to read the exact values. Anyway it is
easy and fast to understand. So it gives a good overview about the development of each area.
In addition this project should also visualize the transformation of each brain area from step
to step by using tree-structures. Through that you are able to see how the original area spread
from stage to stage. You get an overview how the original area changed the functionality and
size over time and which areas are affected from this at the end. One possible solution for this
project would be to implement a software. But disadvantages of softwares are, that they are
less flexible and that the user has to download it first. All in all this web page gives an easy
and fast to reach summary about the structure of mouse brains and how they develop over
time and space.