10:15 - 11:15
Visual Computing Forum
Cagatay is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick, UK. His research investigates the interactions between data, algorithms and people, and explores the role of interactive visualisation and other interaction mediums such as natural language at this intersection. He designs techniques and algorithms that are sensitive to their users in various decision-making scenarios involving primarily high-dimensional and spatio-temporal phenomena, and develops methods to study how people work interactively with data and computed artefacts.
This talk will explore how interactive visualisations that are coupled tightly with algorithms (a.k.a. visual analytics) offer rich ways for working effectively and rigorously with data, algorithms, and other data-derived artefacts. Interactive methods not only enhance the insights drawn but also support better informed decisions made based on the outcomes. We will discuss how visualisation can be a facilitator for such informative, diverse, and critical interactions with data. We will explore examples of research on how data can be transformed and visualised creatively in multiple perspectives, on how comparisons can be made interactively within different models, parameters, and scales, and on how the perceptual and cognitive capabilities of humans can be studied and considered for designing visual analytics approaches.