10:15 - 11:15
Visual Computing Forum
Scale and scalability have been recurring topics in visual computing. Visual computing uses computer‐supported, interactive, visual representations of (abstract) data to amplify cognition. In recent years data complexity concerning volume, veracity, velocity, and variety has increased considerably. Multiscale models, e.g., from structural biology, require multiscale dynamic color mapping with sometimes overlapping or contradicting colors. We present a technique, which adaptively, based on the current scale level, nonlinearly and seamlessly adjusts the color scheme to depict or distinguish the currently best visible structural information. Data‐sensitive navigation for user‐interface elements is presented. The approach re-scales and normalizes user input according to visual change, and also visually communicates this re-scaling and normalization. In this way, output‐sensitive interactions can be realized. Another example deals with multiscale visualization and scale-adaptive modification of DNA nanostructures. This new way of observing, interacting with, and creating DNA nanostructures enables domain experts to approach their work in any of the available semantic abstraction levels, supporting both low-level manipulations and high-level visualization and modifications. Research challenges and directions with respect to scale and scalability are sketched at the end of the talk.