10:15 - 11:15
Visual Computing Forum
Duc Tien Dang Nguyen is an associate professor at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen. His main area of expertise is on multimedia forensics, lifelogging, multimedia retrieval, and computer vision. He is a PC member in a number of conferences in the fields of multimedia forensics, lifelogging, and pattern recognition. Co-organiser of both the Multimedia Verification, the NTCIR Lifelog Task and the ImageClef Lifelog tasks, and co-organiser of over other ten MediaEval tasks. He is also the incoming General Chair of MMM 2023.
With the advances in image editing and image synthetizing techniques, a new phrase well descripbes the reality: “Seeing is disbelieving”. Duc Tien Dang Nguyen and his team are working to restore truth in visual media. In this talk, he will give a broad overview of how researchers seek to advance methods that detect and reveal modified and manipulated images, and building up trust in online media based on advanced image verification algorithms. He will also give discussions on how AI can be used and misused in this online information era.