VisGroup Hiring Professor / Associate Professor in Visual Data Science / Visualization

The VisGroup is growing! We are looking to hire a professor or an associate professor in visual data science / visualization.
The work environment for this position is the Visualization research group (, with close ties to CEDAS and MMIV. The group is internationally respected and contributes new visualization solutions for users from different domains to enable the effective and efficient exploration, analysis, and presentation of data. Two full professors and one tenure track associate professor represent the group, working closely with several different application areas as well as other research groups, while being committed to high-quality basic research in visualization / visual data science.
The group’s research focuses on human-in-the-loop solutions, empowering the human user with usually interactive visual means to data exploration, analysis, and presentation. Computational methods, for example from statistics, machine learning, and optimization, are integrated with interactive visual solutions, where the user is in charge, resulting in mixed-initiative solutions with an interactive visual component. The group focuses also on theoretical foundations to visualization that are imperative to a meaningful presentation / communication as well as to an effective and efficient exploration and analysis of data – irrespective of the application domain.
The new professor / associate professor is expected to strengthen the group’s research and teachingof visual data science / visualization, relying on top competence related to the mathematical and technical basis of the field, as well as on strong programming skills.
For more information on qualifications, requirements, and benefits, please visit:
Please note that all applications must be submitted through the JobbNorge portal. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please feel free to contact Helwig, Noeska, or Laura–we would be happy to arrange a chat!