VisGroup @ VCBM2023

Our group attended VCBM 2023 in Norrköping, Sweden over 20-22 September with strong representation from our Master students: Hanna Balaka, a second-year Master student, and Beatrice Budich, a visiting first-year Master student from Magdeburg, Germany.
Short paper: Reflections on AI-assisted character design for data-driven medical stories [link to paper: Character Design for Medical Stories (]
Beatrice Budich, Laura Garrison, Bernhard Preim, Monique Meuschke.

Poster: MoBa Explorer: Enabling the Navigation of Data from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) [link to poster]
H. Balaka, R. Valen, L. A. Garrison, and M. Vaudel

Assoc. Prof. Laura Garrison also led a workshop entitled “Crash-Course in Creating Biomedical Graphics” as part of the Bio+Med+Vis Summer School that was collocated with VCBM. In this hands-on tutorial, students learned theory and techniques to communicate their research through science graphics using Figma. Exercises and reference material for the workshop is published in Figma Community and accessible for anyone interested.