2023 VisGroup Updates & Hiring

2023 has been quiet on the VisGroup pages, but before the summer holidays in Norway come upon us we have a few exciting updates to share from the last several months!
– We are thrilled that Rikke Aas joined the VisGroup as a PhD student in late autumn of 2022 to research engagement, bias, and manipulation in visual communication. She is under the supervision of Helwig Hauser.
– Noeska Smit received tenure and was promoted to Full Professor in Visualization in January 2023 – congratulations to Noeska, very well-deserved! On top of all of this, she is now a mother and is currently away on maternity leave until Oct/Nov 2023
– Stefan Bruckner, after 10 years with the VisGroup, perhaps became a little too tired of the rain (haha) and has moved on to an exciting position as Professor and Chair in Visual Analytics at the University of Rostock in Germany – we look forward to many future collaborations from afar
– Eric Mörth, Laura Garrison, Thomas Trautner, and Yngve Kristiansen all successfully defended their PhDs over autumn 2022 and early winter 2023. Congratulations to all of our new PhDs!
– At EuroVis 2023 in Leipzig, Laura Garrison and Stefan Bruckner were awarded first place for the prestigious Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences (https://conferences.eg.org/eurovis2023/for-submitters/dirk-bartz-prize/)– congratulations!
– Laura Garrison has joined the group as a tenure-track Associate Professor – we are happy to have her back in the group!
Stay tuned for upcoming events and opportunities arriving later this autumn! Our group will be growing with opportunities for new student projects at the bachelor and master level, and new PhD positions announced in the coming months.