VisGroup at EuroVis 2022

VisGroup at EuroVis 2022


We were delighted to present a state-of-the-art-report [1] from our group at EuroVis in Rome earlier this month (13-17 June, 2022).

The report, Trends & Opportunities in Visualization for Physiology: A Multiscale Overview, provides a broad overview of the common approaches and key challenges in visualizing physiology that is applicable for novice and experienced visualization researchers as well as application domain scientists who are interested in learning about more advanced visualization techniques for physiology. The report is organized according increasing spatio-temporal scale, as the image above indicates, and then by user task, e.g., exploration, to ease navigation through the paper.

graph of the range of physiological processes according to time (x-axis) and length (y-axis). Processes are grouped by biological complexity: molecular, cell, tissue, and organ.
Human physiological processes span many spatio-temporal scales. (x-axis: 10^0 = 1 second; y-axis: 10^0 = 1 meter)

Interested in learning more? You can read the full paper, or watch Laura’s presentation at EuroVis.

[1] [PDF] [DOI] L. A. Garrison, I. Kolesar, I. Viola, H. Hauser, and S. Bruckner, “Trends & Opportunities in Visualization for Physiology: A Multiscale Overview,” Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 41, iss. 3, pp. 609-643, 2022.