A Multidirectional Occlusion Shading Model for Direct Volume Rendering
In this paper, we present a novel technique which simulates directional light scattering for more realistic interactive visualization of volume data. Our method extends the recent directional occlusion shading model by enabling light source positioning with practically no performance penalty. Light transport is approximated using a tilted cone-shaped function which leaves elliptic footprints in the opacity buffer during slice-based volume rendering. We perform an incremental blurring operation on the opacity buffer for each slice in front-to-back order. This buffer is then used to define the degree of occlusion for the subsequent slice. Our method is capable of generating high-quality soft shadowing effects, allows interactive modification of all illumination and rendering parameters, and requires no pre-computation.
V. Šoltészová, D. Patel, S. Bruckner, and I. Viola, "A Multidirectional Occlusion Shading Model for Direct Volume Rendering," Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 29, iss. 3, p. 883–891, 2010. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01695.x
In this paper, we present a novel technique which simulates directional light scattering for more realistic interactive visualization of volume data. Our method extends the recent directional occlusion shading model by enabling light source positioning with practically no performance penalty. Light transport is approximated using a tilted cone-shaped function which leaves elliptic footprints in the opacity buffer during slice-based volume rendering. We perform an incremental blurring operation on the opacity buffer for each slice in front-to-back order. This buffer is then used to define the degree of occlusion for the subsequent slice. Our method is capable of generating high-quality soft shadowing effects, allows interactive modification of all illumination and rendering parameters, and requires no pre-computation.
@ARTICLE {Solteszova-2010-MOS,
author = "Veronika \v{S}olt{\'e}szov{\'a} and Daniel Patel and Stefan Bruckner and Ivan Viola",
title = "A Multidirectional Occlusion Shading Model for Direct Volume Rendering",
journal = "Computer Graphics Forum",
year = "2010",
volume = "29",
number = "3",
pages = "883--891",
month = "jun",
abstract = "In this paper, we present a novel technique which simulates directional light scattering for more realistic interactive visualization of volume data. Our method extends the recent directional occlusion shading model by enabling light source positioning with practically no performance penalty. Light transport is approximated using a tilted cone-shaped function which leaves elliptic footprints in the opacity buffer during slice-based volume rendering. We perform an incremental blurring operation on the opacity buffer for each slice in front-to-back order. This buffer is then used to define the degree of occlusion for the subsequent slice. Our method is capable of generating high-quality soft shadowing effects, allows interactive modification of all illumination and rendering parameters, and requires no pre-computation.",
pdf = "pdfs/Solteszova-2010-MOS.pdf",
images = "images/Solteszova-2010-MOS.jpg",
thumbnails = "images/Solteszova-2010-MOS.png",
youtube = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4y0BVKV_bw",
doi = "10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01695.x",
event = "EuroVis 2010",
keywords = "global illumination, volume rendering, shadows, optical model",
location = "Bordeaux, France",
project = "illustrasound,medviz,illvis",
url = "//www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2010/solteszova-2010-MOS/"
Full paper![[PDF]](https://vis.uib.no/wp-content/plugins/papercite/img/pdf.png)