
PhD defence of Chaoran Fan

The PhD defence of Chaoran Fan will be held in VilVite, Nash Auditorium on Friday the 5th of November. Everyone is warmly welcome to join at 12:00. The talk will start 12:15. Chaoran’s thesis “Improving Interaction in Visual Analytics using Machine Learning” can be found here. Chaoran’s opponents are: Professor Michael Sedlmair, Univ. Of Stuttgart,

3 Papers at IEEE VIS 2021

Three of our papers will be presented at IEEE VIS 2021, the premier international venue for visualization research. The conference will be held virtually from October 24 to 29, 2021.

Best Paper Honorable Mention at VCBM 2021

Our work on the visual communication of biomedical processes was awarded a Best Paper Honorable Mention at the 2021 Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine.

Laura Garrison wins Medical Visualization Award

Our PhD student Laura Garrison has been awarded the 2nd Prize at the 2021 Karl-Heinz Höhne Award for Medical Visualization by the working group on Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine (FG VCBM).