
Best Paper Honorable Mention for MuSIC at VCBM2022

The VisGroup and MMIV won the Best Paper Honorable Mention award for MuSIC at VCBM held this year in beautiful Vienna, Austria. This shows the power of collaborative work between radiologists and computer scientists which is made possible at the wonderful Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Center (MMIV). Furthermore, MuSIC shows that a Masters thesis

Tenure Track Associate Professor in Visualization / Visual Data Science

The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen wishes to recruit a tenure track associate professor in the field of Informatics with specialization on Visualization / Visual Data Science. This is a 6 years fixed term position, with a possible promotion to a full professor position at the end of this period.


VisGroup at EuroVis 2022

We were delighted to present a state-of-the-art-report from our group at EuroVis 2022 in Rome. The report, Trends & Opportunities in Visualization for Physiology: A Multiscale Overview, provides a broad overview of the common approaches and key challenges in visualizing physiology that is applicable for novice and experienced visualization researchers as well as application domain scientists who are interested in learning about more advanced visualization techniques for physiology.

Wintergraph 2022

After a long time in which it was not possible to travel, our VisGroup was happy to finally be able to network again! Wintergraph is a yearly event organized by two Austrian universities, TU Wien and TU Graz. It usually takes place in spring, in the beautiful wintery mountains of Austria. The idea of this networking event is that international groups from all over Europe, researching in various scientific fields such as visualization, computer graphics, computer vision, etc., meet and present their research.