Tag: narrative medical visualization

group picture of Laura Garrison with IVDA Lab Team

Garrison guest speaker at Univ. Zurich Dept. Informatics 2024 Spring Colloquium

On 18th April, Laura Garrison gave an invited lecture, Exploring Engagement and Empowerment through Visualization for Medicine and Public Health, as part of the University of Zurich’s Dept of Informatics 2024 Spring Colloquium. This was a fantastic visit with the opportunity as well for exchange with the Interactive Visual Data Analysis Group (PI Jürgen Bernard)

VCBM 2023 banner with aerial view of the city of Norrköping as background image

VisGroup @ VCBM2023

Our group attended VCBM 2023 in Norrköping, Sweden over 20-22 September with strong representation from our Master students: Hanna Balaka, a second-year Master student, and Beatrice Budich, a visiting first-year Master student from Magdeburg, Germany. Short paper: Reflections on AI-assisted character design for data-driven medical stories [link to paper: Character Design for Medical Stories (eg.org)]Beatrice