Illustrative Visualization of Biochemical Processes Featuring Multiple Temporal Scales
M. L. Muzic, J. Parulek, M. Waldner, and I. Viola, Illustrative Visualization of Biochemical Processes Featuring Multiple Temporal Scales, 2014.
@MISC {LeMusic14Temporal,
author = "Mathieu Le Muzic and Julius Parulek and Manuela Waldner and Ivan Viola",
title = "Illustrative Visualization of Biochemical Processes Featuring Multiple Temporal Scales",
howpublished = "Poster presented at the EG VCBM workshop 2014",
month = "September",
year = "2014",
pdf = "pdfs/LeMusic14Temporal.pdf",
images = "images/LeMuzic14Temporal.png",
thumbnails = "images/LeMuzic14Temporal_thumb.png",
location = "Wien, Austria",
project = "physioillustration"
Full paper![[PDF]](